Creativity With a Purpose

About Seven Winds

Seven Winds uses digital storytelling as a tool for activism and positive social change.  The Seven Winds Network brings together a diverse group of filmmakers, creative thinkers, academics, and community leaders to research, develop and distribute authentic grassroots stories.

Storytelling For Social Change

Seven Winds'creative projects and services focus on authentic grassroots storytelling because we want the 21st Century to be the People’s Century.  We want this to be the century in which the talents and achievements of everyday people are recognised. 

Seven Winds creative programmes are focal points for change in aspirations and skills, which equip people with the tools they need to live happy, fulfilling lives.  


Our Projects

Say it Loud!


Rainbow Room

Our Services

Youth-led creative Mentoring
Train - Retain - Sustain

We help young people find new ways of storytelling through digital means. Participation, access, and inclusion are core pillars of what we deliver. We deliver blended skills training in digital storytelling to underserved members of the community.

Young people seeking a sustainable career in digital media and broadcasting receive skills meaningful training in key aspects of digital filmmaking.

Community Consultation
Together We Thrive

Seven Winds CIC acts as a voice of the people. We act as advocates for various community groups. We help people to speak with their own voice and tell their own stories.

Our Community Consultation service is a development of our work as consultants on community regeneration initiatives, including the Brixton Rec Regeneration Project.  

Creative Support
Fulfilling Potential

Seven Winds supports the most exciting, innovative and challenging creative projects.  We offer development, production finance and bespoke mentoring opportunities.

We commission new, important and substantial moving image artworks that are ambitious in premise and duration, with an emphasis on projects that have strong potential for national and international exhibition and distribution.


Seven Winds

© Copyright Seven Winds CIC